The KaleidESCAPE Series was started around a week before my boyfriend’s birthday on April 28th, 1994 when I wanted to give him an original a birthday present. I decided that I would create an artwork to give him. Since I had a stack of this wonderful heavy deckle edge Arches paper I would use that as a starting point.

Glen and I liked to relax in the evenings with couple of beers and a homegrown joint given to us by Bill, then stare all around our dimly lit living room through the faceted crystal egg that I had purchased from a friend’s garage sale. The egg was 100% leaded crystal and produced a duplicating rainbow halo effect around everything in the room like when staring through a kaleidoscope.

My personal conceptual theory of art was formulated by cosmic theories being suggested by the great physicists of the world. I wanted to portray that idea in my art. What would you see for art if you were living in another dimension of yourself.

Since my belief was that everything in the universe was interconnected within itself, I wanted to express that theory by using visible black lines, or strings, where no visible lines of connection could be seen by the naked eye. Then, the unseen of everything that connects all spaces are made visible.

The Fruit of Love’s Passion was created through the love I had for Glen and our favorite evening pastime the crystal egg and its pyramids of light we used as a kaleidoscope. I painted an actual web of life as it flies around in the universe with black lines forming the literal unseen web into a crystal egg shape made visible. The poem I wrote to accompany the painting expressed how I felt about our growing love.

This painting series was done with a kaleidoscope in mind.  I have a large faceted crystal egg that mimics a kaleidoscope producing a prism rainbow effect when looking at any object through the egg.

The black lines in the paintings represent the invisible lines that I believe run throughout our cosmos connecting all forms binding them together as one. I believe these invisible lines are also running between dimensional spaces. Therefore everything is connected to everything else.

Wherever these cosmic strings intersect and cross each other they release energy which produces light which then creates all physical forms as matter.

The poems are my thoughts on the forms I created within this theory of mine. I hope I have portrayed the ideas I felt behind the paintings correctly.

The art image in combination with the written language of poetry should give a transcending feeling to the viewer to enhance more than just seeing the visual image.

Theodora Saladino Krc